About Vatsan Muotoilu


Vatsan muotoilu — the removal of excess fat in the lower parts of the abdomen, tightening of the skin tissue at the same site by surgical intervention.

The operation is primarily for people suffering from impaired metabolism. At this time the person deformed shape of the abdominal wall, there are the so-called «streamers». The tummy tuck surgery can also make women who have appeared bodily defects after delivery: hanging body fat.

The modern tummy tuck involves the following processes:

  • eliminating sagging or «apron» of the abdominal wall;
  • liquidation laxity of the abdominal wall;
  • improvement forms the anterior parts of the abdominal wall;
  • the removal of coarse postoperative scarring;
  • getting rid of postpartum stretch marks.

Tummy tuck is subdivided into several varieties:

  • with the movement of the navel;
  • without moving the belly button.

The first type of this operation is resorted to people with «substantial» volume of the abdominal cavity and it is drooped. In operation, when tightened abdominal muscles and apron, the old place of the belly button in most cases is cut the excess part of the skin and is a new beautiful place for navel at its desired anatomical location.

The second option is required when small amounts of the abdomen and sagging skin.

The operation consists of several stages and is performed under General anesthesia. The duration of the surgery is usually not more than three hours. Excess fatty tissue and skin of the lower third of the abdomen are eliminated in parallel with cicatricial skin stretching, the muscles are tightened. If you have scars or other signs of surgery are removed and they. Dispersed during pregnancy the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened to their normal natural position and satisfactory tone.

The rehabilitation process takes place under close medical supervision. If all of the recommendations of the stitches will be removed after two weeks. During the rehabilitation period, the patient must wear a special elastic belt (compression garment) a minimum of three weeks. Most often abdominoplasty is prescribed when other methods for improving the forms of the body will not lead to the desired results. We can say that this is a radical acceptance correction. To see the final results can range from two to six months.

Today, the tummy tuck can also be performed by liposuction with a small size of the apron and with a slight sagging of the abdominal skin and laxity of the abdominal wall. With this method achieved better and more perfect body shape. Eliminate sagging skin and laxity of the abdominal wall can also through the application of minimally invasive techniques Golden reinforcement. The surgery not only improves the condition of the abdominal cavity, it changes the structure of the skin, which becomes more elastic. In addition, a tummy tuck can be carried out by basskiller intervention (without surgery). Using the method FilamentLifting in necessary body parts are special Brazilian thread simulating the circuit.

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